Friday, April 11, 2014

Book Overview

The book I chose is Roughing It, by Mark Twain. I chose it because I've read Tom Sawyer and I liked it so i thought I would like this too. Judging by the title and first couple of pages I think it's going to be about surviving the pioneer days out west on the frontier. It ties into my theme because it takes lots of ambition to live out there, dealing with Indians and such.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" - Salvador Dali. This means that you can have it all but if you don't have a drive for greatness, you're useless. You can have all the football talent and knowledge in the world but if you don't work hard, it's useless. I agree with this quote because I have seen it play out in real life. This can be seen in "Roughing It" - by Mark Twain. "He dragged himself on his hands and knee (for one leg was broken) to a station several miles away. He did it during portions of two nights..." If this man hadn't had ambition, he would've most likely died. "There was no idling-time for a pony-rider on duty. He rode fifty miles without stopping." Also if the pony rider doesn't have ambition, he wont get the job done.
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles"
-Christopher Reeve ("Superman")

This quote means that a hero is not somebody who has super powers and uses them, like superman, but is an ordinary individual who overcomes obstacles to do something extraordinary. Superman is expected to do stuff "heroes" do, but the real heroes are the ones who don't have super strength or invincibility but still do amazing things. I agree with this quote because if you have super powers or something you are expected to do stuff like Superman, because its normal to you. Not saying that Superman never had to overcome obstacles or anything.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

card story

 One day Ricky Bobby the race car driver, and Larry the Cable guy decided to go out for new years since they were in New York for that years Redneck Olympics. So, they decided to rent a hotel room since the grumpy New York cops wouldn't let them sleep in their truck on the side of the road. But, since they didn't make reservations before hand, all the hotel rooms in the city were booked and they couldn't get a room. But then, a bellboy whispered to them as they were storming out that there was a penthouse room on the top floor that was owned by a very rich business man, but the business man was never in there. There was a problem with this idea though, they had no way of getting in the penthouse. So they came up with a plan, they would ask a hobo who had a trained monkey named God to climb up the hotels wall into the penthouse window and unlock the door. The hobo obviously agreed to this because its not every day that you meet somebody like Ricky Bobby and Larry the Cable guy. So the monkey climbed up the hotel with ease because he was a good little monkey. Larry and Ricky snuck into the elevator and finally got to their new penthouse only to see the hobo and monkey both in there as well, but they were just like whatever and went to sleep. The End.